Insights Podcast
Insights Podcast















Hi, I'm Joe

…it is such a privilege to meet you here!

Since 2006 it has been an amazing ride, meeting so many people from so many walks of life, through my workshops, and presentations.

Emotional fitness sits at the core of who I am, as a husband and father of two boys. This journey actually originates way back in 1994 when I completed my university degree majoring in psychology and sociology. My fascination with the human condition and how a good life is lived began then.

I’ve also had the honour of training in excess of 7000 behavioural coaches working in the field today.

Compiling experience and knowledge in the field of human behaviour, I now share my learnings in my weekly “Insights” podcast, deliver live online and live in the room group workshops, and just recently via the “Emotional Fitness Formula” program, helping people implement these strategies into their professional and personal lives.

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What my clients say...


“This event facilitated by Joe Pane, has helped us to see how we can apply well researched strategies both in our professional and personal lives. These insights give order and structure – a framework with which to stand back and make more informed judgements about developing better relationships with students, parents and staff colleagues.” - Fiona Fogarty, Literacy Leader.


"This seminar was well structured. Delivered well and practically for the whole person and career and gave us plenty to work on for the future, the office and our results." - Kelley Moldoran TG Newton Real Estate.


“Joe was engaging, fun, realistic and down to earth. The best key speaker I have heard in over 25 years.” - Rod Bryar, Mathematics and Literacy leader.


"Engaging and energising. Helped me make sense of people!" - Cristina Cottrell Hayden Real Estate.


“Our two day retreat with Joe Pane helped to clarify the vision for our school. To build common knowledge and understandings for our team to move forward to achieve our goals.”- Emily O’Connor, Curriculum leader.


"Excellent seminar, very educational, informative and interesting." - Paul Filippone.


 I have had the privilege of working with Joe, when he facilitated two of our leadership forums.   Both these forums had approx. 100 leaders in a large conference room.  Joe has such passion and energy which he used to work the room keeping 100 people actively engaged.  Refreshingly he does not use PowerPoint instead allowing the interactions to evolve whilst keeping to the topic.  The feedback we received from our leaders for both forums on Joe was overwhelmingly positive.  Joe is indeed a master coach and a master in human behaviour and I would have no hesitation in recommending him. -Pip Burgess HR Manager NBN.


 "Joe Pane was amazing." - Karina Santos Nicholas Scott Real Estate.


" amazing two days of highly impressed." - Natalie Roberts, The Real Estate Shop.









The 16 questions to kickstart  your journey to emotional fitness

My Official Biography

Joe Pane is an expert in human behaviour, degree qualified in psychology and sociology. He is the bestselling author of 'Courage to BE YOU - Your Guide to Mastering Uncertainty' and has been working in the field since 2006 and is theĀ creator of the Emotional Fitness Formula, an online program designed to help organisations and individuals effectively navigate uncertainty.

Joe is also the coaches' coach. In the last 17 years, he has trained more thanĀ 7000 mindset coaches, and has delivered his emotional fitness workshopsĀ to tens of thousands of people from all walks of life and industries.

He married Silvana in 1996 and they were blessed with twin boys, Oliver,Ā and Nicolas in 2008. Joe is also a 7-time marathoner. They adore living onĀ the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia.