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How To Make Uncosncious Decsison Making Conscious.

Mar 20, 2024

We will explore on a deeper level how it is we make all of our decisions. The word decide has a fascinating history. The word decide, which originates in the 1300s, actually means to cut off or to kill off. 

The suffix ‘-cide’ means to kill off. For example, homicide, pesticide and insecticide. I'm sure you get the idea. The word decide means to cut off from the past. In this Part 2 of episode 95, we will now explore how each of the four energetic types of DISC energy make decisions. 

I love this quote from Carl Jung.

Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. Carl Jung.

In so many ways by becoming aware of each of the energy styles decision making strategies, we will most certainly make the unconscious conscious. For most of us have never heard of these decision- making strategies I'm about to share. 

Let's begin by focusing on the D energy first. The D energy is outcome focused goal orientated fact...

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The Most Influential Filter Impacting Your Reality

Feb 28, 2024

The self-discovery journey is by far the most, the most important journey to take. At birth we are gifted bodies of a certain type, and personalities of a certain type. Human behaviour is complex and multilayered, and there are many instruments which make up our psychological orchestra.

Complexities aside, getting to know ourselves physically and psychologically matters immensely because we only have our mind and our bodies to experience this earthly dream. As there are different body types, with their various sensitivities, strengths, and vulnerabilities, we also have personalities we need to get to know for their, sensitivities, strengths, and vulnerabilities.

The single most precious resource we have as individuals is not time or money. It is energy. If our energy is low or grossly inconsistent, then we will struggle to use time well and can negatively impact, not only our earning capacity but also how we get to enjoy what money can buy in the form of experiences and time.


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How To Achieve Our Ultimate Goal : To Be Free, Sovereign and Autonomous.

Jan 30, 2024

I love this quote from mystic Terrence McKenna :

"Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it's a feather bed."

Let’s break this quote down and why this matters to how we become free, sovereign and autonomous. In other words, how we bust out of the hamster wheel version of life and be free to contribute to society in valuable ways which align to our personal philosophy.

 Firstly, “nature loves courage”. We in essence are nature and courage is the very fabric of nature’s design. The only blocker most people have to courage is their mind or ego. I will use...

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The straight and narrow path to 10xing your life results

Jan 15, 2024

This article has been inspired by a book I read over the holiday period called “10x Is Easier Than 2x” by Dan Sullivan and Dr Benjamin Hardy.

The single most important relationship we have is our relationship with uncertainty. This is because uncertainty is a requirement of life. All things in the natural world are either growing or dying. Uncertainty is the precursor to all growth.

How we relate to uncertainty (our emotional fitness), guides us to discover the exit doorway which takes us from the mundane to the extraordinary.

Here are some examples of moving from the mundane to the extraordinary:

Surface level connections to real meaningful connections.

Toxic relationships to deeply caring loving relationships.

Having a soulless uninspiring job, to having your own business which makes your soul sing.

Moving away from an average annual salary to earning that salary monthly.

Getting off the hamster wheel going nowhere to committing to your own personal pathway going...

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2024 – An Opportunity to Begin Again

Dec 25, 2023

Every new year we have an opportunity to begin again. Whether that be in our attitudes, conversations which need fixing, or new intentions to pave the way forward to new horizons.

I love the last week of every year and the first week of the new year. These for most of us are peaceful weeks. Nobody expects you to get back to them. Most of us are in relax mode. Personally, these two weeks are the purest downtime weeks of the year.

It is in these two weeks that it is worthwhile taking a psychological reflective stocktake on both a micro and macro level.

The micro being 2023 itself. The macro being all your years so far. I often will reflect on where in my collection of years lived so far does the last year stand. I don’t do this in a spreadsheet kind of a way!! I do this from an emotional and connection-based way.

What am I proud of? What could have been done differently? Who am I becoming?

The most important focus point I believe we can have, is asking ourselves if we have...

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Physical Fitness and Emotional Fitness

Nov 29, 2023

Just like physical fitness, emotional fitness has many dimensions. The goal of physical fitness is to feel good and move well. The goal of emotional fitness is for us to have a functional relationship with uncertainty. This means that we become equipped with the psychological resources to navigate life’s pressures. Similarly, we need the physical resources to handle life’s physical demands.

I am by no means an expert in physical fitness, but my own physical fitness journey has taught me that there are five key areas which seem to matter:

1. Identity - Core
Our identity is like our core strength. Core strength is what allows us to perform everyday movements like tying our shoelaces or reaching for something off a shelf. Without core strength or with a very weak core, we would experience the ripples in ways we would not enjoy.
Given the power of identity (what defines us owns us), we rarely psychologically stray from our perceived identity.

2. Life stage – Endurance.

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Why People Pleasing is Part of Our Psychological Fabric.

Sep 15, 2023

We often hear how people share that they are ‘guilty’ being a people pleaser. People pleasing has been portrayed as being a bad thing or a negative thing.

Given that the human condition is designed to contribute to others, our most fulfilling actions are when we do something for someone else. As we know the human condition is wired to serve.

The only road I know to meaning is through contributing to someone or something bigger than us.
Making a difference or having impact or simply leaving a positive ripple effect brings us joy. Contribution also comes in the form of our attitude as well.

Smiling to a stranger in the supermarket, letting someone pass in front of you in traffic or a coffee cue, general acknowledgment of other people’s existence is all part of making a difference.

People pleasing is wired into the very core of what and who we are as human beings. Where we can run into trouble with this is when we people please to our own detriment. But this is the same...

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Fascinating quote from John Wick 4!!

Aug 17, 2023

To be frank, I never thought I’d be quoting from a John Wick movie, but here we are. Just recently I sat to watch John Wick 4 and in the penultimate scene (no spoilers here) John says to his dear friend, “ those who cling to death live”, his friend responds with, “…and those who cling to life die.”

What does this even mean?

Let’s go to first half of this mind shifting soul stirring string of words. “Those who cling to death live.” Clearly this is just my interpretation and I’m sure many of you would have a different slant or purview into this fascinating life insight.

Put simply, it is about being unafraid of death. How do we become unafraid? There are a couple of thought points I would love to share.

1. Practically every near death experience (NDE) that has been studied, researched and categorised, show us that when the NDEr comes back to full waking consciousness, any fear of death has been completely vanquished! In fact,...

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Transform this, transform everything.

Jun 13, 2023

Over the last 17 years, having trained well over 7000 coaches who work out in the field, delivered 1000s of hours 1:1 mentoring, coaching and guiding people from all walks of life, having delivered 1000s of trainings, shared with 100s of conferences, and delivered well in excess of 10,000 hours of group coaching, there is ONE THING that impacts your potential more than anything else.

This ONE THING will most definitely decide your success, your impact and your quality of life. This ONE THING is a big deal. How YOU deal with this ONE THING will also determine the level of impact you can make on your client’s or teams lives.

That ONE THING is the quality of your relationship with uncertainty. There are only 3 ways to deal with uncertainty and only ONE of these ways will work. This is not my opinion; it is the very nature of the journey we are all on.

Most people try to go around uncertainty. That doesn’t work.  Some people stop in the face of uncertainty and freeze,...

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This One (simple) MASSIVE thing will CHANGE your life.

May 18, 2023

So many people on the journey from ambition to meaning, fail to realise their dreams, whatever they may be. Given that most have to work full time and more to finance their families and lifestyles, there doesn’t seem to be a way out of the ambition driven world and into the meaning driven world. The meaning driven world is a life of emotional, spiritual and physical alignment. A life which brings profound joy, and incredible satisfaction.

Well, let’s look at how we can change this, right now.

We all have flashes of inspiration to do something, or learn something, and/or work on something, which we know matters to our business or our lives or our relationships. The poorest and most popular excuse is ‘I don’t have time.’

What if I was to share with you the solution, the antidote, the way out of the quagmire of getting caught up in aimless, purposeless actions which only address dramas, obligations and distractions. To be clear, yes, we all have...

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