According to one of my favourite spiritual teachers, Caroline Myss, we are shifting from physical five sensory consciousness to an energy consciousness. Both of these levels of consciousness operate with completely different laws! It’s like the land works in very different ways to the sea. You will never find fish in the forest and you will never see sheep in the sea.
In essence, what we are talking about is chronos time and Kairos time. Chronos is linear and has a horizontal axis, whereas Kairos operates vertically and operates independent of time. The experience of chronos time is effected by our perception of our past and what we think of the future. Kairos time is completely unaffected by the past and of any perception of the future.
Chronos is quantity, Kairos is quality. Chronos is the known, Kairos is the unknown. One of many ways of accessing Kairos consciousness is by letting go of any rigid, tightly held beliefs we may have of something. By surrendering this we open a gateway to a possible Kairos moment. This is a moment of clarity, a moment of being lit up (blinding flash of the obvious). We ‘light up’ when inspired by these intuitive hit moments.
Chronos consciousness lives in our heads and prone to logic. Kairos time exists in the heart and is prone to intuitive hits. It is our choice whether we express those intuitive hits or remain tied to our logical mind. So what does this mean? For example, walking down the street Kairos consciousness tells us to cross the street right now, based on no physical logical evidence as to why. We can either act on that intituitive hit or we can override that delicate micro moment with logic and justify to ourselves why that doesn’t make sense.
When driving, have you ever predicted that car is about to turn a certain way and then low and behold it does! It’s like we can read car body language. This is Kairos. The vertical Kairos moments are fleeting and once that micro moment passes we are back in the linear logical land of chronos.
According to the Webster dictionary, Kairos means ‘a time when conditions are right for the accomplishment of a crucial action. An opportune and decisive moment.” When in the moment of now where we respond naturally, organically to a conversation, or smile from a stranger, or a precise opportune moment to say something kind to someone which may change their lives.
In chronos land we are all different because all our perceptions of a moment vary so much. Whereas we all experience Kairos the same way. In Kairos we are genuinely all one. Kairos has zero narrative and is not effected by our historical experiences. Chronos consciousness is completely flavoured by our interpretation of our historical narrative and whatever fears, concerns or excitements we may hold about our future.
Currently we live in between these two gears of consciousness. These two gears of consciousness are looking to integrate.
So, what does this have to do with psychic weight? What is psychic weight? Psychic weight are any grievances, anchors, attachments, resentments we may have from our past. Holding onto a grudge, or not forgiving someone for what they did to do adds to our psychic weight. This takes nothing away from the realities of trauma, or very difficult abusive experiences. However, holding onto these means we are allowing our pasts to have a say where it has no business being, and that is right now today. It means we will remain in the linear order of the chronos consciousness. Stuck in horizontal linear time based consciousness.
Holding onto to any of these situations allows that person to still be controlling you today and takes away from the quality of your life today. The deeper the attachments the psychically heavier we become. This means that we can be stuck in chronos time. Everything takes time in chronos time. Grievances and attachments causes the vertical consciousness to become more horizontal and this means you have to wait. Wait for what? Eg for your business to take off, for that relationship you want to happen, for whatever aspirations and dreams you have to come alive…the longer you have to wait for anything that sings to your soul.
By remaining attached we second guess ourselves and our esteem is not allowed to recover. By letting go we learn how to trust ourselves and avail ourselves to moments of inspiration (Kairos) and take crucial action in the micro-opportune moments.
By letting go of these anchors we begin to lighten up! We begin to experience consciousness from a vertical/Kairos perspective. When becoming loyal to the now things happen very quickly in your life. When you are lighter you don’t have to wait as long…everything changes so fast! It is truly a beautiful thing.
To let go of anything from your past we have to face one simple fact. It’s over. Our childhood is over. That life situation you were in is over. Whatever happened back then is over. For example, the house I lived in as a teen no longer exists, either does that body I had, the mind I had, the nature of relationships I had, in fact NOTHING from back then exists. IT IS OVER.
Please forgive, what some may perceive as brutal frankness. Stop talking about it, stop thinking about it and stop being so angry about it. It is over. In ‘Man’s Search For Meaning” the author Viktor Frankyl shares the incredible unimaginable suffering he and 1000s of others experienced at the hand of the Germans in the concentration camps of WWII. These sufferings were unbearable for 98% of the people who perished. He survived many moments by submitting to Kairos moments of knowing when to be quiet, when to speak and what to say to a German officer.
He recalls at the end of the time in concentration camp when it suddenly was over. Finally, after 3 years of suffering, troops rolled into the camps and captured the Germans, instantly freeing all its prisoners.
Frankyl recalls how suddenly it was all over, just like that. Days later as he and many others found themselves, walking through fields of paddocks just enjoying the most basic of freedoms, roaming the land, he couldn’t believe it was over just like that. IT WAS OVER.
Frankyl was known to have said that “between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies growth and our freedom.” Maybe for some of us that stimulus is a memory from our past, how we respond to that memory will either allow us the possibility of engaging this new energy consciousness of Kairos or remain trapped by victim consciousness. Every day as you may find yourself perhaps floating mentally into the past, remind yourself, like those concentration camps, they are over. Time to give Kairos consciousness a chance to grow into our lives. This way we no longer have to wait.
Thank you for reading, love Joe.
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