What if everything that showed up in your life was designed and placed there by you for a purpose?
To reclaim, to remember who you really are…
Everything shows up in our lives so we can make a choice. A choice of who we want to be. A choice which moves us closer to love, or closer to fear. Fear is the domain of the ego. Love is the domain of our soul. If we choose to react, we become a slave to our emotions. We become dominated by our ego. Fear becomes king of our psychological domain. All anxiety and depression issues are extensions of fear. Our soul cannot be anxious or depressed. Love is the existential domain of our soul.
In every moment we can choose. Our lives are filled on a daily level of many micro moments. It was literally just the other day I witnessed a micro moment. I was standing on the corner of two streets and a big truck was turning a corner and had to stop in mid turn to give way to a pedestrian. The car behind the truck tooted in a very angry way to the truck. Other than being unnecessary, I had just witnessed a micro moment of fear. In that moment, the driver was reacting in fear. Her ego and emotions were in charge. We may well argue, that the driver may have had a ‘genuine’ reason for being in a hurry, but no matter how ‘genuine’ the reason we all still have a choice. That choice in that micro moment for that driver, potentially could set the tone for the rest of the day.
With awareness, if we were the driver (I am aware this is easier from the peanut gallery!), we could choose to respond differently. We may choose to see in a heartbeat that whether we are frustrated or whether we remain patient in the faith that the truck has good reason to stop, we would be experiencing this same micro moment completely differently. In that moment we are progressing toward love.
Ultimately the move toward fear or a move toward love is like moving from the front of a big ship vs moving to the back. We are still on the ship. What this means is that perfect love, unconditional, pure white love contains all the other emotions within. The colour of white light is white because it actually contains all the primary colours. Love is at one end of a spectrum and fear is at the other end of the spectrum. Ultimately the entire spectrum combines to become perfect love.
The closer to perfect love the more we express from our souls. The further away from love the more distorted that love becomes. The bigger the distortion the bigger the fear experience.
Another way of expressing this is that everything shows up so we can progressively become more connected with our essence. Linguistically the extension of essence is what becomes essential. Connecting with essence is therefore essential.
The ego has an insatiable thirst for more. More drama, more problems, more stuff, more of anything it can have more of! The soul has no needs. It has desires and preferences, and those desires and preferences are experienced for one purpose. That purpose is to simply experience. The soul allows the experience of desires and preferences. The only blocker is the ego.
The ego is always trying to get somewhere and to get some more. It is a hard way to live. This is the core of the pure ambition driven world. When we let go of the ego’s motivation to get somewhere, this is replaced by an inspiration to allow love into being.
This is the journey of becoming a professional human being. When we realise that we don’t need to get there, we just need to allow it, it becomes easier. We don’t need to try to love, we just need to allow it. Fear on the other hand is manufactured by the ego and that is something that requires energy, effort and trying.
Every moment is an opportunity to recreate yourself. It is an opportunity to move toward love or move toward fear. To move toward your heart or move toward your ego. Fear is a form of love, a distorted love. Ego is louder than love. It has a lot to prove, a lot to defend and a lot to protect. Love has nothing to prove, defend or protect.
Life is less about discovery and more about deciding who you want to be. We can continually extend from where we are. For example, if you are noticing a theme of disdain or hatred in your life it is extremely difficult to jump from here to unconditional love. It is highly likely not very realistic. However, it is possible to shift from disdain to being frustrated. From frustration we can move to annoyed, from annoyed to mildly peeved, from mildly peeved we can shift to tolerance. From tolerance we can shift to indifference, indifference to curiosity, from curiosity to understanding, from understanding to patience, patience to kindness, kindness to compassion and empathy, compassion and empathy to love. It’s a journey that simply just needs to be allowed.
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