All of life is a continuous series of experiences. The quality of these experiences clearly influences very strongly the quality of our lives.
The quality of our lives is determined by many factors. Perhaps the most important factor is the quality of our relationships. Our relationships can absolutely amplify all our experiences. For example, watching a movie by ourselves may be an enjoyable experience. However, watching the same movie with a friend with similar taste in movies as you, serves to make the experience even better because you can share your thoughts, opinions, and laughs and so on.
Behaviourally speaking there is one golden ingredient which seems to prove to be the glue of all relationships, especially when it comes to marriage or long-term love relationships.
This one golden ingredient is simple to apply, easy to share and does wonders for how you feel. This one key ingredient goes by many names.
Without this golden ingredient it is impossible to have a deep connection with anyone. The degree to which we can share this golden ingredient is completely determined by the degree we are willing to give it to ourselves first!!
You wanna know what it is? I warn you it is simple. Please do not allow the simplicity of what I am about to share to minimise its impact and power.
The golden ingredient is:
Also known as significance, attention, kindness and respect.
Most people display more courtesy to a stranger than the one person closest to them. I find that astoundingly crazy. Expressing basic courtesy like, thanking your partner for cooking diner, saying good morning properly, which means no distractions just pure focus on your son, daughter, partner etc.
Courtesy can also take place when they are not home. For example, you know they may be the next person to use the coffee machine, so leave it clean and ready to go. They will feel loved, cared for and thought of. These little courtesies accumulate to a beautiful connection.
It is difficult to perform well in other areas of our life if our core relationships suck. However, if our core relationships are drenched in courtesy, respect, significance, kindness and expressed care, we will be able to handle much more efficiently life’s inevitable uncertainties.
Thank you for listening and reading,
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