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What is your circle of fantasised truth?

That does not make sense! How can the words fantasised and truth go together? The core psychological construct which sits behind all ‘truth’ are our belief systems. Our belief system can be defined as a series of conditioned convenient assumptions.

Let’s be clear about truth first. Naturally there are universal truths that are factually present all the time regardless of what we believe. Gravity will always exist, evil exists, darkness exists, kindness and compassion exist.

The focus here in this conversation though is our interpretation of these truths and all the other perceptions of truths. It is our belief system which flavours and influences how we see truth.

The circle of fantasised truth depends on which part of the elephant are you touching whilst blindfolded. If you have never seen a whole elephant and you are holding onto its tail, then that is what an elephant is to you.

I recently have had a experience of this playing out in my life. We have our house on the market for sale. At the time of this writing, it is December 2021. Some people have been interested and some not yet. Why? Some say that it is because of Christmas that they must make a decision and wrap up the sale. Whilst under the same conditions, some say it is because of Christmas I won’t make a decision to buy yet.

So which is it? Is Christmas the reason to buy or not to buy? It all depends on what you conveniently assume to be true (ie beliefs). Who is right? The house is the elephant and which side of Christmas you buy is which part of the elephant are you holding whilst blindfolded.

We have all seen this playing out in an exceptionally amplified manner the last two years! This circle of fantasised truth most people are blind to. They are convinced the tail or the flappy ear of the elephant IS the elephant whilst being blinded to see the whole elephant.

If there are any areas of your life which you are stuck on the wheel of procrastination or self sabotage, sitting at the core of that part of your life is the reason or excuse why you can’t OR it is the reason why you must stop procrastinating or sabotaging.

Blessings and best wishes,

love Joe.


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