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If you believe in something long enough, it will harden into fact.

Mar 02, 2020

(3-4 minute read)

ALL beliefs are convenient assumptions. None of our beliefs are based on fact. If they were all based on fact, we would all have the same beliefs because we would all be experiencing life exactly the same way.

EVERYTHING we experience in life in ALL areas are filtered through our very own personal unconscious editing process. This editing process happens so fast most of us don't question it. Life for all of us is experienced as though what we see appears in our lives as 'that’s just how it is'. Life is never 'just how it is', life is experienced ‘just how we are.’

All of our convenient assumptions have been created by us as our interpretation of what we witness or observe or experience. Lots of our assumptions have been influenced by someone else, such as our parents or guardians or whoever we hung around lots before the age of 10. As we get older all our beliefs (assumptions) we think are true, become very real and harden into fact. If all our...

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