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Change Your Language Change Your Life.

Apr 02, 2020

Often people use words as linguistic sledgehammers describing situational thumb tacts. One of the most powerful abilities we have is literally on the tip of our tongue. The power of language should not ever be underrated. By power I’m not talking from a grammatical or linguistic skill perspective, but from our ability to accurately depict, describe and language our experience.

In other words, so many people use inappropriately pounded words to describe their experience. For example, after watching my 10 year sons have their last swimming lesson for the school term, they appeared lethargic and devoid of their usual spark, perk and spunk. My mother in law watched, and afterwards at dinner she mentioned to our boys how that was a ‘disastrous ’ lesson. My wife immediately intervened by commenting, that it was far from disastrous, ‘they just seemed to have less energy today’.

Now compare the potential impact of this language on the very easily influenced...

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How To Be Emotionally Hygienic In These Amazing Times

Mar 15, 2020

More than ever before we need to mind our mind. The emotional experience is not to the virus but to the fear reaction of the masses. During this fascinating time in human history, like any other time we are living out our narrative, our story, in other words, the meaning we are giving our experiences. 

Uncertainty has always played a part in our chosen narrative. The only difference at the moment is that we are experiencing an acute dose of uncertainty. Most, if not, all of us have experienced uncertainty in our lives. In the form of health, relationship break ups, the end of a career, the beginning of a new career, starting a business and so on.


Power of Negative Visualisation.

Just this morning I went for a walk with my wife around our local river. I said to my wife this could be SO much worse!!!! I shared with her how my masseuse (Hi Cass!) was sharing with me how a woman she knows, a few years back had a double mastectomy and recovered from breast cancer. About five...

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If you believe in something long enough, it will harden into fact.

Mar 02, 2020

(3-4 minute read)

ALL beliefs are convenient assumptions. None of our beliefs are based on fact. If they were all based on fact, we would all have the same beliefs because we would all be experiencing life exactly the same way.

EVERYTHING we experience in life in ALL areas are filtered through our very own personal unconscious editing process. This editing process happens so fast most of us don't question it. Life for all of us is experienced as though what we see appears in our lives as 'that’s just how it is'. Life is never 'just how it is', life is experienced ‘just how we are.’

All of our convenient assumptions have been created by us as our interpretation of what we witness or observe or experience. Lots of our assumptions have been influenced by someone else, such as our parents or guardians or whoever we hung around lots before the age of 10. As we get older all our beliefs (assumptions) we think are true, become very real and harden into fact. If all our...

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Squeeze this next decade or it will most certainly squeeze you.

Feb 25, 2020

I have come to believe over my time so far, that if we don’t take responsibility for all our results, non -results, actions and non -actions, that life will have a say.

A significant part of this responsibility, is to know the nature of how things seem to work. CS Lewis said “we don’t have a soul, we are a soul, what we have is a body.” I love this. I believe this. Our souls are designed to perpetually evolve, unite with others and engage fully in this wonderous experience of life.

For many years in my last decade my goal was to evolve, transform and become all I can. For a long time, I believed that to become this I had to ascend the ego.

I had to let go of the ego, I had to somehow function from spirit and not from my personality. Whilst this kept me entertained for a while, coming to the end of this last decade and the dawning of this new one, I now realise that for all of us to continue evolving and make meaningful contributions we need to immerse so we...

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